Jurassic Park Skycaps

Set of 54 (1-54)

Year: 1993
Country: The United States Of America
Brand: SkyCaps
Theme: Jurassic Park

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Standard Issue Variation Error
Number / Title Front Image Back Image Buy
Number / Title Front Image Back Image Buy



(Back Image)



(Front Image)#2

(Back Image)



(Front Image)#3

(Back Image)



(Front Image)#4

(Back Image)



(Front Image)#5

(Back Image)



(Front Image)#6

(Back Image)

Dr. Alan Grant

Dr. Alan Grant<br />Palaeontologist

(Front Image)#7
Dr. Alan Grant<br />Palaeontologist

(Back Image)

Dr. Ellie Sattler

Dr. Ellie Sattler<br />Palaeobotanist

(Front Image)#8
Dr. Ellie Sattler<br />Palaeobotanist

(Back Image)

John Hammond

John Hammond<br />Entrepreneur

(Front Image)#9
John Hammond<br />Entrepreneur

(Back Image)

Dr. Ian Malcolm

Dr. Ian Malcolm<br />Mathematician

(Front Image)#10
Dr. Ian Malcolm<br />Mathematician

(Back Image)

Dennis Nedry

Dennis Nedry<br />Programmer

(Front Image)#11
Dennis Nedry<br />Programmer

(Back Image)

Robert Muldoon
Game Warden

Robert Muldoon<br />Game Warden

(Front Image)#12
Robert Muldoon<br />Game Warden

(Back Image)

Tim Hammond

Tim Hammond<br />Dinosauraholic

(Front Image)#13
Tim Hammond<br />Dinosauraholic

(Back Image)

Lex Hammond
Computer Hacker

Lex Hammond<br />Computer Hacker

(Front Image)#14
Lex Hammond<br />Computer Hacker

(Back Image)

Steven Spielberg

Steven Spielberg<br />Director

(Front Image)#15
Steven Spielberg<br />Director

(Back Image)

The Amber Mine
An Insect In Amber

The Amber Mine<br />An Insect In Amber

(Front Image)#16
The Amber Mine<br />An Insect In Amber

(Back Image)

The Montana Dig
Ellie And Alan

The Montana Dig<br />Ellie And Alan

(Front Image)#17
The Montana Dig<br />Ellie And Alan

(Back Image)

A Secret Plan
Industrial Spy

A Secret Plan<br />Industrial Spy

(Front Image)#18
A Secret Plan<br />Industrial Spy

(Back Image)

The Main Compound
Visitors Center

The Main Compound<br />Visitors Center

(Front Image)#19
The Main Compound<br />Visitors Center

(Back Image)

Mister DNA
Explains It All

Mister DNA<br />Explains It All

(Front Image)#20
Mister DNA<br />Explains It All

(Back Image)

The Hatchery
A Baby Raptor

The Hatchery<br />A Baby Raptor

(Front Image)#21
The Hatchery<br />A Baby Raptor

(Back Image)

How Can We Know
What To Expect?

How Can We Know<br />What To Expect?

(Front Image)#22
How Can We Know<br />What To Expect?

(Back Image)

The Kids Arrive
Tim And Lex

The Kids Arrive<br />Tim And Lex

(Front Image)#23
The Kids Arrive<br />Tim And Lex

(Back Image)

The Tour Begins
Will They Return?

The Tour Begins<br />Will They Return?

(Front Image)#24
The Tour Begins<br />Will They Return?

(Back Image)

Anticipation And

Anticipation And<br />Excitement

(Front Image)#25
Anticipation And<br />Excitement

(Back Image)

A Sick Triceratops
Ellie Helps Out

A Sick Triceratops<br />Ellie Helps Out

(Front Image)#26
A Sick Triceratops<br />Ellie Helps Out

(Back Image)

Nedry Starts To Panic
The Storm Builds

Nedry Starts To Panic<br />The Storm Builds

(Front Image)#27
Nedry Starts To Panic<br />The Storm Builds

(Back Image)

The Genetic Lab
Stealing Embryos

The Genetic Lab<br />Stealing Embryos

(Front Image)#28
The Genetic Lab<br />Stealing Embryos

(Back Image)

Something's Coming
Something Big!

Something's Coming<br />Something Big!

(Front Image)#29
Something's Coming<br />Something Big!

(Back Image)

The Rex Appears
Through The Fence

The Rex Appears<br />Through The Fence

(Front Image)#30
The Rex Appears<br />Through The Fence

(Back Image)



(Back Image)

The Rex Attacks!
The Kids Struggle

The Rex Attacks!<br />The Kids Struggle

(Front Image)#32
The Rex Attacks!<br />The Kids Struggle

(Back Image)

The Rex Gets Angry
The Car Gets Crushed

The Rex Gets Angry<br />The Car Gets Crushed

(Front Image)#33
The Rex Gets Angry<br />The Car Gets Crushed

(Back Image)



(Back Image)



(Back Image)

The Spitter Hits Nedry
Right In The Face!

The Spitter Hits Nedry<br />Right In The Face!

(Front Image)#36
The Spitter Hits Nedry<br />Right In The Face!

(Back Image)

The Spitter Moves In
For The Final Kill

The Spitter Moves In<br />For The Final Kill

(Front Image)#37
The Spitter Moves In<br />For The Final Kill

(Back Image)

Stuck In A Treetop
Tim Is Trapped

Stuck In A Treetop<br />Tim Is Trapped

(Front Image)#38
Stuck In A Treetop<br />Tim Is Trapped

(Back Image)

Ellie And Muldoon
Find Malcolm

Ellie And Muldoon<br />Find Malcolm

(Front Image)#39
Ellie And Muldoon<br />Find Malcolm

(Back Image)

A Morning Visitor
An Unusual Wake-Up

A Morning Visitor<br />An Unusual Wake-Up

(Front Image)#40
A Morning Visitor<br />An Unusual Wake-Up

(Back Image)

Dr. Grant Discovers
The Dinosaur Eggs

Dr. Grant Discovers<br />The Dinosaur Eggs

(Front Image)#41
Dr. Grant Discovers<br />The Dinosaur Eggs

(Back Image)

Systems Shut Down
Ellie Restores Power

Systems Shut Down<br />Ellie Restores Power

(Front Image)#42
Systems Shut Down<br />Ellie Restores Power

(Back Image)

Tim Becomes A Human
Piece Of Toast!

Tim Becomes A Human<br />Piece Of Toast!

(Front Image)#43
Tim Becomes A Human<br />Piece Of Toast!

(Back Image)

A Raptor Attacks
Ellie In The Red

A Raptor Attacks<br />Ellie In The Red

(Front Image)#44
A Raptor Attacks<br />Ellie In The Red

(Back Image)

Muldoon Hunts
Or Is He Hunted?

Muldoon Hunts<br />Or Is He Hunted?

(Front Image)#45
Muldoon Hunts<br />Or Is He Hunted?

(Back Image)

A Raptor Appears
In The Kitchen

A Raptor Appears<br />In The Kitchen

(Front Image)#46
A Raptor Appears<br />In The Kitchen

(Back Image)

The Raptors Stalk
Tim And Lex

The Raptors Stalk<br />Tim And Lex

(Front Image)#47
The Raptors Stalk<br />Tim And Lex

(Back Image)

The Cunning Hunter
Hears A Noise

The Cunning Hunter<br />Hears A Noise

(Front Image)#48
The Cunning Hunter<br />Hears A Noise

(Back Image)

Tim And Lex Fight
To Trap A Raptor

Tim And Lex Fight<br />To Trap A Raptor

(Front Image)#49
Tim And Lex Fight<br />To Trap A Raptor

(Back Image)

Re-Booting The System
The Raptor Waits

Re-Booting The System<br />The Raptor Waits

(Front Image)#50
Re-Booting The System<br />The Raptor Waits

(Back Image)

The Ceiling Explodes
The Raptor Is Gaining

Note The Spelling: 'Cieling' & 'Expoldes'

The Ceiling Explodes<br />The Raptor Is Gaining
Note The Spelling: 'Cieling' & 'Expoldes'
(Front Image)#51
The Ceiling Explodes<br />The Raptor Is Gaining
Note The Spelling: 'Cieling' & 'Expoldes'
(Back Image)

Nowhere To Run
Nowhere To Hide

Nowhere To Run<br />Nowhere To Hide

(Front Image)#52
Nowhere To Run<br />Nowhere To Hide

(Back Image)



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