Pokémon Tazo 2 (Series 1)

Set of 50 (1-50)

Year: 2001
Country: Poland
Brand: Tazos
Theme: Pokémon

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We recently had an issue with a malicious attack and have lost some image data. I am working to restore what I can :/!
Standard Issue Variation Error
Number / Title Front Image Back Image Buy
Number / Title Front Image Back Image Buy

#10 Caterpie
#11 Metapod
#12 Butterfree

#10 Caterpie<br />#11 Metapod<br />#12 Butterfree

(Front Image)

#12 Beedrill
#13 Weedle
#14 Kakuna

#12 Beedrill<br />#13 Weedle<br />#14 Kakuna

(Front Image)

#46 Paras
#47 Parasect

#46 Paras<br />#47 Parasect

(Front Image)

#48 Venonat
#49 Venomoth

#48 Venonat<br />#49 Venomoth

(Front Image)

#16 Pidgey
#17 Pidgeotto
#18 Pidgeot

#16 Pidgey<br />#17 Pidgeotto<br />#18 Pidgeot

(Front Image)

#21 Spearow
#22 Fearow

#21 Spearow<br />#22 Fearow

(Front Image)

#35 Clefairy
#36 Clefable

#35 Clefairy<br />#36 Clefable

(Front Image)

#39 Jigglypuff
#40 Wigglytuff

#39 Jigglypuff<br />#40 Wigglytuff

(Front Image)

#52 Meowth
#53 Persian

#52 Meowth<br />#53 Persian

(Front Image)

#83 Farfetch'd

#83 Farfetch'd

(Front Image)

#84 Doduo
#85 Dodrio

#84 Doduo<br />#85 Dodrio

(Front Image)

#108 Lickitung

#108 Lickitung

(Front Image)

#133 Eevee

#133 Eevee

(Front Image)

#143 Snorlax

#143 Snorlax

(Front Image)

#23 Ekans
#24 Arbok

#23 Ekans<br />#24 Arbok

(Front Image)

#41 Zubat
#42 Golbat

#41 Zubat<br />#42 Golbat

(Front Image)

#88 Grimer
#89 Muk

#88 Grimer<br />#89 Muk

(Front Image)

#27 Sandshrew
#28 Sandslash

#27 Sandshrew<br />#28 Sandslash

(Front Image)

#50 Diglett
#51 Dugtrio

#50 Diglett<br />#51 Dugtrio

(Front Image)

#104 Cubone
#105 Marowak

#104 Cubone<br />#105 Marowak

(Front Image)

#111 Rhyhorn
#112 Rhydon

#111 Rhyhorn<br />#112 Rhydon

(Front Image)

#4 Charmander
#5 Charmeleon
#6 Charizard

#4 Charmander<br />#5 Charmeleon<br />#6 Charizard

(Front Image)

#37 Vulpix
#38 Ninetales

#37 Vulpix<br />#38 Ninetales

(Front Image)

#58 Growlithe
#59 Arcanine

#58 Growlithe<br />#59 Arcanine

(Front Image)

#77 Ponyta
#78 Rapidash

#77 Ponyta<br />#78 Rapidash

(Front Image)

#1 Bulbasaur
#2 Ivysaur
#3 Venusaur

#1 Bulbasaur<br />#2 Ivysaur<br />#3 Venusaur

(Front Image)

#43 Oddish
#44 Gloom
#45 Vileplume

#43 Oddish<br />#44 Gloom<br />#45 Vileplume

(Front Image)

#69 Bellsprout
#70 Weepinbell
#71 Victreebel

#69 Bellsprout<br />#70 Weepinbell<br />#71 Victreebel

(Front Image)

#102 Exeggcute
#103 Exeggutor

#102 Exeggcute<br />#103 Exeggutor

(Front Image)

#7 Squirtle
#8 Wartortle
#9 Blastoise

#7 Squirtle<br />#8 Wartortle<br />#9 Blastoise

(Front Image)

#54 Psyduck
#55 Golduck

#54 Psyduck<br />#55 Golduck

(Front Image)

#60 Poliwag
#61 Poliwhirl
#62 Poliwrath

#60 Poliwag<br />#61 Poliwhirl<br />#62 Poliwrath

(Front Image)

#72 Tentacool
#73 Tentacruel

#72 Tentacool<br />#73 Tentacruel

(Front Image)

#90 Shellder
#91 Cloyster

#90 Shellder<br />#91 Cloyster

(Front Image)

#116 Horsea
#117 Seadra

#116 Horsea<br />#117 Seadra

(Front Image)

#118 Goldeen
#119 Seaking

#118 Goldeen<br />#119 Seaking

(Front Image)

#120 Staryu
#121 Starmie

#120 Staryu<br />#121 Starmie

(Front Image)

#129 Magikarp
#130 Gyarados

#129 Magikarp<br />#130 Gyarados

(Front Image)

#25 Pikachu
#26 Raichu

#25 Pikachu<br />#26 Raichu

(Front Image)

#100 Voltorb
#101 Electrode

#100 Voltorb<br />#101 Electrode

(Front Image)

#63 Abra
#64 Kadabra
#65 Alakazam

#63 Abra<br />#64 Kadabra<br />#65 Alakazam

(Front Image)

#56 Mankey
#57 Primeape

#56 Mankey<br />#57 Primeape

(Front Image)

#66 Machop
#67 Machoke
#68 Machamp

#66 Machop<br />#67 Machoke<br />#68 Machamp

(Front Image)

#106 Hitmonlee
#107 Hitmonchan

#106 Hitmonlee<br />#107 Hitmonchan

(Front Image)

#74 Geodude
#75 Graveler
#76 Golem

#74 Geodude<br />#75 Graveler<br />#76 Golem

(Front Image)

#140 Kabuto
#141 Kabutops

#140 Kabuto<br />#141 Kabutops

(Front Image)

#147 Dratini
#148 Dragonair
#149 Dragonite

#147 Dratini<br />#148 Dragonair<br />#149 Dragonite

(Front Image)

#92 Gastly
#93 Haunter
#94 Gengar

#92 Gastly<br />#93 Haunter<br />#94 Gengar

(Front Image)



(Front Image)



(Front Image)