Pokémon Tazo 1 (Series 2)

Set of 50 (52-101)

Year: 2001
Country: Poland
Brand: Tazos
Theme: Pokémon

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We recently had an issue with a malicious attack and have lost some image data. I am working to restore what I can :/!
Standard Issue Variation Error
Number / Title Front Image Back Image Buy
Number / Title Front Image Back Image Buy

#26 Raichu

#26 Raichu

(Front Image)

#125 Electabuzz

#125 Electabuzz

(Front Image)

#34 Nidoking

#34 Nidoking

(Front Image)

#42 Golbat

#42 Golbat

(Front Image)

#88 Grimer

#88 Grimer

(Front Image)

#50 Diglett

#50 Diglett

(Front Image)

#105 Marowak

#105 Marowak

(Front Image)

#112 Rhydon

#112 Rhydon

(Front Image)

#64 Kadabra

#64 Kadabra

(Front Image)

#97 Hypno

#97 Hypno

(Front Image)

#76 Golem

#76 Golem

(Front Image)

#74 Geodude

#74 Geodude

(Front Image)

#139 Omastar

#139 Omastar

(Front Image)

#141 Kabutops

#141 Kabutops

(Front Image)

#57 Primeape

#57 Primeape

(Front Image)

#67 Machoke

#67 Machoke

(Front Image)

#107 Hitmonchan

#107 Hitmonchan

(Front Image)

#5 Charmeleon

#5 Charmeleon

(Front Image)

#38 Ninetales

#38 Ninetales

(Front Image)

#136 Flareon

#136 Flareon

(Front Image)

#9 Blastoise

#55 Golduck

#55 Golduck

(Front Image)

#91 Cloyster

#91 Cloyster

(Front Image)

#99 Kingler

#99 Kingler

(Front Image)

#116 Horsea

#116 Horsea

(Front Image)

#118 Goldeen

#118 Goldeen

(Front Image)

#10 Caterpie

#15 Beedrill

#127 Pinsir

#127 Pinsir

(Front Image)

#123 Scyther

#123 Scyther

(Front Image)

#18 Pidgeot

#18 Pidgeot

(Front Image)

#19 Rattata

#19 Rattata

(Front Image)

#143 Snorlax

#143 Snorlax

(Front Image)

#53 Persian

#53 Persian

(Front Image)

#83 Farfetch'd

#83 Farfetch'd

(Front Image)

#85 Dodrio

#85 Dodrio

(Front Image)

#115 Kangaskhan

#115 Kangaskhan

(Front Image)

#3 Venusaur

#3 Venusaur

(Front Image)

#71 Victreebel

#71 Victreebel

(Front Image)

#102 Exeggcute

#102 Exeggcute

(Front Image)

#93 Haunter

#93 Haunter

(Front Image)

#147 Dratini

#147 Dratini

(Front Image)

#149 Dragonite

#149 Dragonite

(Front Image)

#128 Tauros

#128 Tauros

(Front Image)

Ash & Pikachu



(Front Image)



(Front Image)



(Front Image)

#2 Ivysaur

#2 Ivysaur

(Front Image)

#45 Vileplume

#45 Vileplume

(Front Image)