Les Schtroumphs (The Smurfs) Avimage POG
Set of 50 (1-50)
Year: 1996
Country: France
Brand: POG
Theme: Smurfs
As with almost all Avimage POG series, there are variations in the foils.
I don't know how many variants exist, but have heard that there are up to 9 for each of the 10 foil Tazos.
This would make the set of 50 up to 130 to collect them all.
There also appears that there may be another variation - on the backs of the POG, some have "® 1996 WPF" and others do not. I am not sure yet whether this is a variation, as I have yet to see a POG that has both variants.
Thanks for checking out the site.
We recently had an issue with a malicious attack and have lost some image data. I am working to restore what I can :/!
We recently had an issue with a malicious attack and have lost some image data. I am working to restore what I can :/!
Standard Issue | Variation | Error |